Second category vehicles, such as trucks, tractor heads and trailers, are also required to have Compulsory Civil Liability insurance. Request your quote from Canarisk now to have the best truck and trailer insurance in the Canary Islands.
Is it mandatory to take out truck insurance?
Like all vehicles in circulation, trucks are required to have Compulsory Civil Liability insurance. At Canarisk we have the best truck insurance in Tenerife and Las Palmas.
Is it mandatory to take out trailer insurance?
A trailer with registration is considered a vehicle in circulation and subject to the current legislation of compulsory vehicle insurance. Insuring a trailer in the Canary Islands is simple and fast in our insurance brokerage in Tenerife and Las Palmas.
When is a vehicle considered to be Category XNUMX?
A vehicle is of second category when the MMA of the vehicle (Maximum Authorized Mass) is greater than 3.500 kg. The type and category of the vehicle will be reflected in the technical sheet.
Can you take out All Risk insurance for trucks and trailers?
In truck insurance, like the car insurance, you can improve your policy by taking out more coverage. Among the additional coverages that may be included is the All Risk coverage, with or without excess, which covers damage to the vehicle. To contract an All Risk insurance for trucks and trailers, it is necessary to inform the purchase price of the vehicle, as well as the value of the non-standard accessories included.
Does truck insurance cover driver accidents?
In truck insurance you can add the driver's accident insurance. This coverage provides capital in the event of the death or disability of the driver due to an accident in traffic. The insured capital can range between 6.000 and 30.000 €, according to the insurer.
Is travel assistance covered in trailer insurance?
La Travel Assistance It can be contracted in the insurance of the trailers, as well as in the trucks and tractor heads.
Is it important to use the truck and trailer to take out insurance?
When contracting truck and trailer insurance in the Canary Islands, the use to which said vehicle is intended must be reported: private, own transport, transport of third-party goods, distribution of goods, etc. The declared use influences the insurance premium. Our insurance brokers advise you to Hire the best truck and trailer insurance in the Canary Islands.
What insurer covers the loss of a tractor unit with a trailer?
As we have seen, insurance is mandatory for both tractor heads and trailers. Hence, if there is an accident involving both vehicles, the insurers will share the blame: 70% the insurance company of the tractor unit, and 30% the insurance company of the trailer. At Canarisk, we manage your claims and advise you on all matters related to your insurance.