Taking out savings or retirement insurance in the Canary Islands is the best option if you are thinking of ensure the financial security of you and your family. In addition, you can benefit from tax advantages and obtain a guaranteed return. At Canarisk we advise you on the best savings and retirement insurance in the Canary Islands.
Why take out savings insurance?
The savings insurance is designed to invest in your future and also to complement the retirement pension. These savings plans depend on the capital or income that is available, as well as the risk profile, age and the public pension that is foreseeably going to be had.
What is savings insurance?
These insurances consist of contributing an initial amount or periodic contributions that upon expiration will receive the investment plus the interest generated, and that thanks to its liquidity you will be able to dispose of your savings at any time.
What are the advantages of savings plans?
The main advantage of savings plans and retirement plans is that you are not taxed on the returns generated until maturity or the early redemption of your savings.
However, depending on the product you choose, these advantages could be different, such as reducing the tax base or generating a life annuity.
Can I collect the public pension and recover the money from my pension plan?
Yes, in fact the pension plans are designed as a complement to your public pension.
In case you wish not to redeem your pension plan, you can also do so. You can keep it for as long as you want, making contributions and rescuing it in the future. There is no limit of years to get your money back.
How long are the savings and retirement plans?
Savings and retirement plans are insurance plans that have a short, medium or long term duration. The term will depend on the needs of the insured. The longer the term in which the capital is maintained, the greater the additional return you can obtain.
What guarantee do I have in case of death?
In the event of death, the beneficiaries declared in your policy will receive the capital accumulated in the policy. In many cases, this capital will be increased, according to the conditions established in the insurance.