How do I insure my house?
Home insurance is a form of multi-risk insurance. To ensure it, it is only necessary to know a few basic data about the house: square meters, year of construction, protections in access to the house and its value of continent and content.
What is the capital of container and content?
The building capital is defined as the reconstruction value of the property in the event of an accident. If you have doubts about what the continent value of your home is, we can help you. On the other hand, the content capital would be all the movable property of the home: furniture, trousseau, jewelry, valuables...
Is it mandatory to insure the community of neighbors?
If you live in a Community, you should know that it is not mandatory to take out insurance, but it is highly recommended since residential buildings are exposed to many risks. The most frequent water damage due to broken community pipes, electrical damage in community facilities, damage to the mainland due to theft...
Is the Civil Liability of a property covered?
Civil Liability coverage is essential in any property insurance (Home, Community, Office, Business...). With it we guarantee the damages caused to a third party derived from the property. The most frequent event is the leaking of water to third parties as a result of the breakage of a pipe in our property.
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