Hire the best motorcycle insurance in the Canary Islands, with the help of our online motorcycle insurance comparator. You will find many alternatives, with the best coverage and the best prices.
At Canarisk we help you hire the best motorcycle insurance in the Canary Islands. Our insurance brokers in Tenerife and Las Palmas will advise you on what motorcycle insurance to hire according to your needs.
What is the best Motorcycle Insurance in Tenerife and Las Palmas?
At Canarisk we can help you get the best insurance for your motorcycle or scooter insurance. In addition to third-party insurance, we can get the best coverage: Theft, Fire, All Risks, Driver Accidents, Assistance, etc.
How can I take out motorcycle insurance at Canarisk?
Hiring motorcycle insurance is easy and at Canarisk we also help you do it. We only need you to provide us with your personal documentation: DNI/NIE and driving license; In addition to the documentation of the motorcycle or scooter: technical sheet and circulation permit.
Is it mandatory to insure the motorcycle or scooter?
Yes, the current law obliges third parties to insure motorcycles. Just like the car insurance, it is mandatory to take out insurance with the guarantee of Compulsory Civil Liability.
Is it mandatory to carry the insurance receipt on the motorcycle?
Currently it is not mandatory to carry the insurance receipt on the motorcycle, since You can check telematically if the motorcycle or scooter is insured.
How can I get cheap motorcycle insurance in Tenerife and Las Palmas?
In Canarisk you can get cheap motorcycle insurance With online motorcycle insurance comparison you will find different insurance alternatives, with the best guarantees and prices in the Canary Islands.
Can I take out fully comprehensive Motorcycle Insurance?
It is possible to insure the damages of the motorcycle with the All Risk insurance modality. In addition, it can be contracted with franchises that reduce the cost of the insurance premium.
Does Motorcycle Insurance or Scooter Insurance cover driver accidents?
Motorcycle insurance and scooter insurance may also have the driver's accident guarantee. In this way, a capital is guaranteed for death or disability, including the provision of medical care.