At Canarisk, we offer you the best classic car insurance, so you can enjoy your love of collection vehicles with the best protection.
What is classic car insurance?
El classic car insurance is the same as a Car insurance, but with certain limitations in contracting and coverage. Keep in mind that all motor vehicles are required to have at least Civil Liability insurance.
Can I take out classic car insurance for my vehicle?
Companies usually limit the contracting of classic car insurance, for those vehicles with historical registration or that are older than 25 years.
What coverage can I take out in classic car insurance?
In addition to the compulsory Civil Liability insurance, classic car insurance allows you to include coverage such as travel assistance, legal defense and broken windows?
What limitations do classic car insurance contemplate?
Certain companies regulate a maximum annual mileage, or limit that the circulation of the vehicle is exclusively to attend fairs or exhibitions. Depending on the use you make of your vehicle, you should consider taking out classic car insurance or a car insurance habitual.
How much does classic car insurance cost?
In our insurance brokerage, we have Cheap classic car insurance in the Canary Islands, from €80. The price depends mainly on the age of the vehicle.
How can I take out classic vehicle insurance in the Canary Islands?
With our insurance brokerage in Tenerife and Las Palmas, taking out classic car insurance is very easy. We only need you to send us photos of the vehicle, the technical sheet and circulation permit, and the current ITV.
Can I fully insure my classic car?
If what you want is to take out comprehensive insurance for your car, you should take out a Car insurance, not classic. However, for very old vehicles it is not always possible to contract this type of insurance.