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Surely you know that all vehicles have to have compulsory car insurance. But you should also know that taking out car insurance in Canaris is not only an obligation, since There are multiple modalities and coverages to protect your car and drive safely
Can I drive my car without insurance?
It's not allowed drive a car without insurance. This is stated in article 2 of Legislative RD 8/2004, of October 29, which obliges the owner to contract Civil Liability insurance up to the limits established by the law itself: 70 million for personal injury and 15 million for material damage.
What does third party car insurance cover?
El third party insurance This is what is commonly known as Compulsory Civil Liability insurance, which covers material or bodily damage caused to third parties.
What does car insurance cover in Tenerife and Las Palmas?
In addition to compulsory insurance or third party insurance, car insurance can be enhanced with more guarantees designed to protect the vehicle: glass breakage, theft, fire, All Risk.
Can you drive a vehicle without having my data in the insurance?
Anyone can drive a vehicle even if they do not appear as a driver on the car insurance. Now, if the person who is going to drive the vehicle is under 25 years of age or has had less than 2 years of driving license, he or she is known as a recharged driver, and must appear on the policy as the main or occasional driver. Our insurance brokers in Tenerife and Las Palmas can explain this important information in more detail, at the time of take out car insurance at Canarisk.
Does my father's car insurance cover me?
In general, if you have more than two years of license and you are over 25 years old, you are covered by your father or mother's insurance, without the need for you to be expressly declared as an occasional driver.
What does comprehensive car insurance cover?
El comprehensive car insurance It is a modality that guarantees the own damages that the vehicle may suffer, even in accidents in which the insured was guilty.
What is the deductible in the All Risk auto insurance?
The excess is an option that you can choose when hiring the comprehensive insurance. In the event of a personal damage claim, you assume an amount of the repair cost, which usually ranges between €180 – €600. This allows you save on the price of your car insurance in Tenerife or Las Palmas, without giving up the most complete coverage.
What does driver's accident insurance cover?
Al take out insurance for your car at Canarisk, you can choose the option of also taking out accident insurance for the driver and occupants. This includes not only health care in the event of accidents, but may also include compensation in the event of death or disability. Consult this option to our team of insurance brokers in Tenerife and Las Palmas and without a doubt, they will clarify any possible doubt that may arise.
Is it mandatory to carry the insurance policy in the car?
It is not mandatory since the verification can be carried out electronically. Although, it does not hurt to have insurance documentation.
Can I be fined for having the car parked without insurance?
Any vehicle that is on public roads is considered to be in circulation and therefore must comply with the obligation to insure the car to third parties.
What is roadside assistance?
Roadside assistance coverage consists primarily of the towing service in case of breakdown or accident of the insured vehicle.
Can I change cars in the insurance?
Yes, the policy can be modified at any time to change cars. In general, a supplement or policy modification is issued to change the vehicle. If you are a Canarisk customer and need to change your car in the insurance you have contracted with us, you can manage it from the Client Area.